Once again we're off to Denver to join in the festivities of The UMS but this time, we've brought some backup!! We're bringing the first ever San Francisco Bay Area Day Party Showcase to Denver with five bands representing the varied and talented sounds of the Bay.
About the Show
Balanced Breakfast presents a Bay Area Showcase Sunday, July 31st – 12-5pm at the Skylark Lounge in Denver, CO
Beautiful Machines
Cure For Gravity
D. Edward
Unlikely Heroes
The first delegation of Bay Area Bands are headed to Denver, CO to represent at The Underground Music Showcase from July 28-31 with a Day Party Showcase at The famous Skylark Lounge on Sunday, July 31st from 12-5pm. Each band will also be representing twice during the showcase - once on Sunday and another time during the festival.
Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1731429590463422/
Tour Dates: http://www.cureforgravity.net/live